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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Introducing the ETFdb ETF Screener: A Robust, Free Online ETF Analyzer

If you’ve ever tried to do some analysis on ETFs using customized parameters, you might be aware of how limited and buggy the various online tools are. Often, these tools can take six months or more to include newly issued ETFs, they categorize ETFs wrongly, and don’t include critical search options such as total market cap, leveraged/non-leveraged, etc.

With that in mind, we’re quite happy to announce the launch today of our 100% free ETF Screener tool. We have put a lot of work both into ensuring the ETFdb ETF Screener has all the options and functionality our users want, while also tagging ETFs correctly in the underlying database that powers the search results, to ensure the tool gives valid, useful data.

Please give the free ETFdb ETF Screener a test drive, and let us know what you think in the comments. Is there any other feature you’d like to see included?

Disclosure NONE

GigaGolf, Inc.

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