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Sunday, May 3, 2009

8 Super risky Stocks for the Yield Chasers 25%+

Here is a list of 8 super risky stocks with yields greater than 25%.

Company Symbol Yield % Price
Cornerstone Progressive Return Fund CFP 25.41 9.86
Lloyds Banking Group PLC (ADR) LYG 26.47 6.5
Whiting USA Trust I WHX 27.62 11.28
Ares Capital Corporation ARCC 29.22 5.86
BreitBurn Energy Partners LP BBEP 33.07 6.94
Apartment Investment and Management Co. AIV 33.38 7.27
Tel Offshore Trust TELOZ 38.28 5.21
Highveld Steel and Vanadium (ADR) HSVLY 39.53 7.45

Disclosure I own none of these stocks.

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